Dungeon Master
On-Line RPG - breaks the high-speed barrier with SOLID 3D ANSI polygon dungeons, awesome ANSI graphics, and sound. Visually face opponents with this power-packed online game environment complete with three pre-built adventures. Build your own COMPLETE RPGs with the Construction Set, also included. Tired of menu-driven games? Check THIS out!
- Comes complete with a collection of pre-made game modules ready for play. Many more are currently available!
- 3D ANSI SOLID polygon map/dungeon display. Dungeons, cities, forests come alive, displayed as you would see them.
- ANSI display of monsters, stairways, other players, objects, and more. Encounter something and see it, not read about it.
- ANSI music and sound effects.
- Player specific spell learning.
- Windowing, easy-to-use, player and sysop interface.
- Run up to 255 different game modules utilizing only one copy of the game executable.
- Multiple opponent groups of multiple opponents.
- Characters can have physical ailments including poisoning, insanity, paralysis, etc.
- Running inventory for all items sold to equipment shops.
- Items can and may be cursed.
- Capability to view item characteristics based on character intelligence.
- Local play capabilities without a BBS dropfile.
- Tournament mode to allow only certain individuals in game modules to see who really is "the best."
- Spell casting at nearly any time.
- Ability for players to use items at nearly any time.
- Multiple attacks as characters increases in level.
- Auto-dungeon mapping.
- Split-screen, sysop to player chat mode
Requires DOS 3.23+ or Windows, 320KB RAM and 1.2MB disk space. Bulletin board system software and modem recommended for multi-player play. Color monitor and PC Speaker recommended for local game play.
Purchase License
Delivery of personalized registration code via e-mail.
(Includes Dungeon Master and Dungeon Master Construction Set)